Me? Disgruntled?
Today I had the opportunity to chat with the "top dog" at work. Okay, so I was required to go to her office after I refused to sign a confidentiality form. After a mere ten minutes of chatting with me (a first since she took over here... five months ago) she said, "You sound disgruntled." I wanted to scream "No kidding!" at the top of my lungs, roar with laughter and skip maniacally down the hall. I restrained myself. Barely. She also said that I am clearly a passionate person and they really don't want to lose me. When she said "lose" the context made me think of losing a Jedi to the Dark Side. I wanted so badly to openly announce Transit War, but then I wouldn't be a very effective jihadist, so I remained silent. At one point she tried to tell me I shared blame for the horrible working conditions, because I am a supervisor after all. She reminded me that they have already bought my soul, and finished the coversation with the usual "big changes are coming soon" bit. I feel so much better now, all warm and fuzzy, the company really does care about me. Did I mention that she authorized me to "edit" the compliance form to my liking? Just so long as she had something with my signature by tomorrow, to prove she did her job, then I'll be the regional H.R. Director's problem. I can't wait to meet him.