Saturday, December 30, 2006

Slow and Delayed

OK, OK... I'm posting already.

I've been enjoying the Holidays with my family. I spent more money than I have, but not too much. We got the little man a digital camera, some pics may appear soon on the family picture blog (soon being relative - give me a couple weeks). The little girl decided that ripping paper was fun after all, she was so much fun to watch. Yea Christmas!

I would love to spend a few minutes ranting about several articles I read recently, but I need to spend some time updating my links. Besides, who wants to hear about fluffy squirrel sex, rock throwing or lamers. So instead I will share the best product never to hit the market; Jesus Beer. My friend told me about this amazing idea- produce beer using Holy Water, market appropriately (by which I mean TV ads showing a sexy catholic school girl pouring out some of her 40 for the Virgin Mary) and retire with millions to spare. Sacrilege or Product Innovation? You be the judge.

Before I finish I have to start the groundwork for my legal defense. I play too much SOCOM - I really want to equip my old truck with a tripod and 150 round-per-minute paintball cannon. My own personal Technical; then all I need is someone else who's as insane as I am (oh yeah... the other SOCOM guys!!) and then every moron on the road will be marked by my wrath! And if something bad happens... I'll use the "SOCOM made me do it" defense.

Happy New Year Everybody!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Look what I got !!

If you'd like to be entertained by raging cynicism then Despair, Inc. is the place to visit. If you want to be depressed by the reality of the situation then watch More. I would've posted a few pictures (because they're hilarious!), but they're protected.

I'm signed up for a doofus health class for winter session at Butte. Two and a half weeks without a spare minute, but if it'll get me back on track then it'll be completely worth it. Maybe I'll even have something to show for it in a couple years.

The Union vote at work is next week. I am anxiously anticipating the result. Whatever the result, life is going to get interesting.

On a final note, anybody who wants to donate to a good cause should find Jersey Joe and ask about the Blind Bus Drivers Association (they're trying to buy larger bumps for our roads).