Sunday, April 08, 2007

Fat Floats

I love WIRED magazine. They don't know it, but I think they solved the whole Global Warming problem. I discovered a sidebar on maps; the two that led me to the solution are the Flood Map and the Fast Food Map. The first will show you how much the coastline will change as the sea rises. The second will show your where to get enough extra fat to float through the crisis.

WIRED also had a fine set of articles on radical transparency for business, the basic argument seems to be an affirmation of the old "open door" policy. If a company is willing to have honest dialogue with employees and customers (without reprisals for negative feedback) they will build loyalty and improve the bottom line. Too bad it has to be done through the web to garauntee anonynimity (I guess the management still isn't ready to hear that they suck without lashing out).

I hope everyone had a good holiday. I spent my time with extended family and my money on chocolate - that fat layer isn't going to grow itself, you know.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL You make me laugh!

4/24/2007 11:27 PM  

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