Monday, October 02, 2006

The Next Chapter

I have decided to give up Transit War. It's sad, I know, but it's for my own good. I was having trouble actually committing heinous acts of mind numbing pain. I talked a good game, had some beautiful ideas that were both humorous and ironically just, but I was lacking in the action department. So I choose to give it up. Or more accurately, replace it. I will now spend my time helping to organize a union. Something I never thought I'd say. I thought unions had outlived their usefulness and existed only to leech from employees and employers not smart enough to remove the extra yoke. But my wonderful employer (the same one that inspired Transit War) has shown me why people still unionize. When a company refuses to obey the law, creates their own turnover problem through mistreatment, recinds their own policies without notice, and generally behave like despots without oversight or conscience that is when employees find someone with the muscle to stand against their employer. Balance of power. Checks and Balances. Whatever you want to call it, it represents the idea that groups with differing strategic aims must find a mutually beneficial consensus in order to have a lasting relationship. We, the employees, have borne the burden of the Corporation long enough, now we will prop the Union and the Corporation against one another... and seek shelter underneath.


Blogger Chris said...

bah, go on, be all noble and such! you could still... er, post some of your old plans, anonymously of course=)

10/03/2006 10:19 PM  

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