I'm not a passionate person by nature, but every so often something becomes important to me. Yesterday, in the mid-size college town of Chico, CA, a woman that I like to think of as more friend than co-worker was Terrorized. When she verbally demanded that a young man be civilized enough to follow the rules put forth by one of our government agencies he responded by physically assaulting her. (Some have suggested that she should have let it go and this wouldn't have happened; I ask, would you also suggest that girls who wear short skirts should expect to get raped?) AT NO POINT IS IT EVER OK TO HIT SOMEONE FOR WHAT THEY SAY. This coward didn't just hit her once, or even twice, but Five times. And as an encore to beating a small woman more than twice his age, he ran away. The authorities caught the man; you lucky bastard - you should thank whatever god you worship, if my friends and I had found you, you would have prayed to be somebodys two pack, rental hoe instead. When I was a boy my mother taught me never to start a fight, but if someone else did - finish them. So finally I will say to all those cowards out there, hiding behind the good name of Islam, when you trade words for bombs you reveal yourselves as Terrorists, not devout worshippers. Over and over you prove willing to start the fight, soon, we will finish you.
omfg, i dont even know what to say here... i cant even express how sorry i am that this happened... if there is any way we can help, pls say so
p.s. if the attacker's drive-cam or security picture should mysteriously show up on an anonymous forum (like this one) i'll be sure to study it so i can recognize him when i see him
Ahhh...so many taunts; how can I escape without a fight? For the first time yesterday, I actually felt vulnerable (again) at my place of work, the last time it happened, I left within a couple months, and although I am a short-timer at this workplace for other reasons, they certainly give me no reason (and I really do mean NO REASON) to even consider staying. Quite honestly, I have considered a time or two lamenting the fact that I never (re-)applied for the position Ryan ended up getting, but over and over, the company proves to me that staying just a pee-on, although temporarily embarrassing, is definitely the best price to pay between the two. Even if it does mean me being/feeling a little more vulnerable and a little less safe, this company deserves every bit of apathy I shovel out.
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